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.LRN 2.4 Release Management


  • Current status: Released! (see the release notes)
  • Next release date: no further releases are planned for this version
  • Stable release: 2.4.1 released October 27th, 2008
  • Feature freeze and branch: March 11th, 2008

.LRN 2.4 will contain acs-core, dotlrn-all and dotlrn-extras packages. See Aliases at CVS for a detailed list of the packages included in those aliases.

Releases are coordinated by the .LRN Leadership Team.

Weekly technical meetings in IRC at openacs channel:

  • From March 31st to October 26th, 2008: Tuesdays at 16:00 GMT
  • From October 27th to December 31st: Tuesdays at 17:00 GMT

To do and goals

New features

  • HTML 4.01 Strict
  • WAI-AA compliant
  • file-storage: categorization (tested and worked as expected - vguerra)
  • views: oracle support
  • forums: read/unread per message and user ?

2.4.1 To-do List

Package What Who State
Forums Permissions. See forums for details -- pending
All Accessibility: see forums for details  emmar  DONE

2.4.0 To-do List

The table below lists the bug fixed for 2.4.0

Package/Topic What Who State
Accessibility A few improvements, see forums for details emmar DONE
Accessibility Color of the class portal doesn't pass the luminosity contrast test (ratio = 3:1, should be 5:1 for normal text) daveb FIXED
new-portal set default layout to theme-zen when a new page is added to a portal donb FIXED
 theme-selva fix CSS donb

FIXED (somewhat)

I fixed the basic portal layout and decoration stuff, nothing else.  If someone else cares about selva, please other css issues as you find them

forums message-view expand/collapse should toggle (but it's done in javascript so the page doesn't know what the current state is) or we should just delete the options as we did in 2.3.  Also the print button should disappear - print should be handled by linking the package's print.css file using media="print", with printing then handled by the browse as it is meant to be in this modern era. vguerra The proposed fix was incomplete (only one cookie value for all threads), feature will be removed from 2.4.  Victor can fix it in HEAD for a future release if he wishes to.
forums doesn't work for oracle donb FIXED
forums forums: the "new" tag in the forums portlet lasts longer than the "bold" mark of new messages in the forum page (forum-view) vguerra FIXED
forums when posting a message ( without previewing it ) part of the screen gets black  vguerra

xinha problem (core)

forums testing upgrade regarding the "readinginfo" new feature




file-storage file upload doesn't work for oracle  donb FIXED (CR in core)
lorsm failed because of the oracle port of views. emmar FIXED
dotlrn sending email to new members when added to a class/club seems to be broken (no email is sent out). nimam FIXED
dotlrn When renaming department and subject, the package instance pretty name is not edited so the old name still appears in the breadcrumbs morals FIXED
imsld error when applet added to a class (root folder missing) emmar FIXED (CR in core)

merge version from 5.3 to 5.4

derick DONE
assessment use form builder where it's possible and finish html 4.01 strict validation afterwards emmar DONE
chat missing upgrade script (from downgrade between 2.3.0 and 2.3.1) emmar/avni FIXED
sending email check and test with the new acs-mail-lite send proc (bulk-mail, forum, evaluation, imsld, etc.) emmar DONE


  • breadcrumbs should start from dotLRN root node instead of the main site.
  • dotlrn root node should be labelled as "Home".
  • The portal page name should appear in the breadcrumbs
  • last element of the breadcrumbs should match the title of the page
emmar DONE

This addition

cvs diff -r 1.5 -r 1.6 lorsm-create.sql

Needs an upgrade script

daveb DONE


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