Naming Conventions
- Use always lowercase: file.tcl
- Separate names with dash “-“: my-file.tcl
- Use English for naming (at least if you plan to contribute to the community)
- Use generic names, such as:
- my-page-add-edit.tcl
- my-page-delete.tcl
- index.tcl
- Follow the object-action naming convention
- my-page-delete.tcl
- NOT delete-my-page.tcl
Procedures (Tcl functions)
- Usually in lowercase (only in proc callbacks or service contracts you will use TheFirstLetterOfEachWord as uppercase)
- Separate words with “_”: my_proc
- Use names that indicate what the proc does, usually not too long
- my_package::user::add_to_class
- Always use namespaces
- The namespace must be the same as the package-key, just that with “_” if applies
- If package-key is: my-package
- Then: my_package::add_user
- Follow the package_key::object::action convention, use
- my_package::user::add_to_class
- NOT my_package::add_to_class::user
- If you have only one action on users you might also use:
- my_package::add_user_to_class
SQL Statements
- Lowercase
- Separate words with "_": select_users_in_class
- Use names that indicate what the SQL statement does, or what it returns
- db_list list_of_unregistered_user_ids {}
- db_1row user_info {}
- db_dml update_user_biography {}
- Preferably, in db_multirow calls, keep your statement name the same as the multirow name
- For PL/SQL look here
SQL constraints
- Read the document behind the link
- All constraints have to be named
- The naming convention for constraints is as follows:
- Primary Key: tablename_pk (acs_mail_lite_queue_pk)
- Unique: tablename_columnname1_columnname2_un
- Foreign Key: tablename_columnname_fk ( acs_mail_lite_queue_pck_fk)
- Check: tablename_column_name_ck (acs_mail_lite_co_qu_use_sender_p_ck)
- Column names can be abbreviated (e.g. pck instead of package_id)
- Lowercase
- Separate words with "_": user_id
- Use names that indicate what the variable contains. If this matches with a database column, use the same name as used for the column in the database.
- Use the following conventions for variables containing
- IDs: Append "_id" at the end, like "user_id"
- Booleans: Append "_p" at the end, like "employee_p" to define if the user is an employee
- Arrays: Append "_arr" at the end, like "employee_arr". This way you can immediately detect arrays in the code.
Package Parameters
- Use camel case, start with uppercase character
- Example "IndexRedirectUrl"