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File storage

Package Specification Summary for Package: file-storage

Summary: Collaborative document storage
Description: Provides a versioned document store with storage in the filesystem or database (depending on configuration). Documents and folders can be permissioned and folders downloaded.
Documentation: Package Documentation
Maturity: Mature
This package depends on: acs-kernel acs-tcl acs-content-repository acs-automated-testing acs-templating acs-lang categories notifications rss-support
Packages that depend on file-storage: ajax-filestorage-ui attachments dotfolio dotlrn-fs file-storage-includelet fs-portlet lors xowiki
Package parameters:
Allow users to edit the content of text based files in their browser. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Switch to use file-title for download instead of original filename (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Allow categories to be attached to a file. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Many modern Web browsers will attempt to open documents directly in the browser if they can. To disable this "plugin mode" behavior and cause downloads to open in a new window, set this value to "_blank" or any nonempty string. Setting this value to the empty string (default) will leave it to the browser program to decide. (default , type string, scope instance)
Should we offer navigation to set up RSS feeds for folders? (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Allow comments to be attached to a file. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
The maximum size, in bytes, of files that users are allowed to upload. Should not be set larger than the systemwide AOLServer parameter maxinput. (default , type number, scope instance)
Move files by copying and then deleting the original? Default is false, use normal move (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Whether or not to show a link to administer permissions on the file storage object. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Flag to determine the storage type. A flag of 1 (true) will store the files in the database. If 0 (false) files are stored in the filesystem. ***This parameter should only be changed at package instance creation.*** (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Flag to determine if WebDav is active. A flag of 1 (true) means WebDav is active and we will show WebDav links. (default 0, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: file-storage

Open Bugs: 21
All Tracked Issues: 133
Latest Bug Opened: 2014-10-31 *.adp files return 404 when view attempted
Latest Bug Fixed: 2017-07-11 acs-subsite TmpDir parameter might not be valid on certain OS .
Top Bug Submitters: Nima Mazloumi (7) Lars Pind (6) Eduardo Pérez (5) Olga C. Santos (5) Malte Sussdorff (5)
Top Bug Fixers: Dave Bauer (48) Lars Pind (13) Don Baccus (9) Gustaf Neumann (8) Jeff Davis (7) Malte Sussdorff (6) Jeroen van Dongen (5)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: file-storage

# Tcl Procs 99
# Tcl Lines 2971
# Tcl Blank Lines 453
# Tcl Comment Lines 199
# Automated Tests 12
# Stored Procedures PG: 22 ORA: 32
# SQL Lines PG: 1247 (blank 188 comments 245) ORA: 996 (blank 110 comments 178)
# ADP pages 23
# ADP lines 310
# Include pages (file-storage/lib/) 3
# Documentation pages 3 (Package Documentation)
# Documentation lines 583
Browse Source API-browser
Github Repository:


File Storage also has an AJAX front end available.

Documentation: (NLA)

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17 , 5.10 , 5.10.0 , 5.10.1 , 5.9.0 , 5.9.1 , ad_form , ADP , ajax , aolserver , asynchronous , bgdelivery , bootstrap , bugtracker , CentOS , COMET , compatibility , CSP , CSRF , cvs , debian , docker , docker-compose , emacs , engineering-standards , exec , fedora , FreeBSD , guidelines , host-node-map
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