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Books and publications about OpenACS

Listed in chronological order, newest first.

Aram, Koch, Neumann. "Long-Term Analysis of the Development of the Open ACS Community Framework: Open Source Solutions for Knowledge Management and Technological Ecosystems" c2017

Demetriou, Koch, Neumann. "The Development of the OpenACS Community"  A chapter from: Miltiadis Lytra, Ambjorn Naeve (eds): Open Source for Knowledge and Learning Management: Strategies Beyond Tools, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, 2006.

Andersson, Greenspun, Grumet. "Software Engineering for Internet Applications" c2006 "A 2002 textbook for MIT students learning how to build things like"

Abelson, Greenspun, Sandon. "Tcl for Web Nerds" "We hope that a professional programmer or MIT student can breeze through it in one evening. By the end of the evening, that person should have learned Tcl, learned a little something about the Web, and not have been bored."

Philip Greenspun. "SQL for Web Nerds" ..we keep our readers in the world of Web services. Most often they are working within the data model for online communities.. ..our examples are all drawn from real production Web sites that get close to 1 million requests per day. This should make the examples more interesting.. ..we assume that our readers are bright and accustomed to formal languages. We don't assume any experience with declarative languages, database query languages, or any specific programming language. But once we can assume that the reader has written code, it is possible to use more sophisticated examples and get to the interesting stuff more quickly. ..we hope that ..[its].. a great choice for the MIT student or the working programmer.

Philip Greenspun. "Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing"; c1998 A historical classic that introduced some early developers to the components and thinking behind OpenACS

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