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Package Specification Summary for Package: faq

Summary: Manage simple and categorized Question and Answer style FAQs with WYSIWYG and notification functionalities.
Description: Handles frequently asked questions Q&A presentation. Can be one Q&A per page or all presented flat. Straightforward application with room for improvement. Support for notification as well as WYSIQYG Editor and Categories - both optional. Category trees are displayed flat. No multiple filters.
Maturity: Mature
This package depends on: acs-kernel acs-tcl categories notifications
Packages that depend on faq: faq-portlet
Package parameters:
Should the category container for the faqs be "subsite_id" or "package_id". (default package_id, type string, scope instance)
Should categories be enabled? Default is 0 (false). (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Attach comments to FAQ (value = 1). Prevent comments (value = 0). (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Should we allow users to use a WYSIWYG editor to make their entries? Defaults to f (false). (default t, type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: faq

Open Bugs: 9
All Tracked Issues: 18
Latest Bug Opened: 2008-12-10 There's no permission to general_comments_create
Latest Bug Fixed: 2015-07-25 Russian localization for package faq (HEAD).
Top Bug Submitters: Caroline Meeks (4) Jade Rubick (3) Joe Cooper (1) Michael Steigman (1) Stan Kaufman (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Gustaf Neumann (3) Stan Kaufman (1) Tilmann Singer (1) Tracy Adams (1) Gerardo Morales (1) Cynthia Kiser (1) Joel Aufrecht (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: faq

# Tcl Procs 27
# Tcl Lines 572
# Tcl Blank Lines 101
# Tcl Comment Lines 45
# Automated Tests 13
# Stored Procedures PG: 9 ORA: 10
# SQL Lines PG: 430 (blank 72 comments 75) ORA: 345 (blank 54 comments 24)
# ADP pages 16
# ADP lines 363
# Include pages (faq/lib/) 1
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
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