Oracle Notes
How do I use a literal ampersand within a SQL statement for INSERT, SELECT, etc.?
This is a sqlplus issue, I believe. See this link for a workaround:
If you're on a *nix box - yasql is a great replacement for sql*plus.
Is there an equivalent of PostgreSQL's vacuum analyze
No, not really, but you can do something similar to speed up a table:
analyze table ticket_xrefs compute statistics;
This will look at the usage statistics, and update them. This can dramatically increase performance when the amount of data in a table has changed a lot.
Moving one Oracle instance to another server
Apparently, Oracle installations are fairly self-contained. In theory, at least, you should be able to move an installation from one server to another by shutting down the server, tarring up the /ora8 directory, sftp-ing it to another server, untarring it, and possibly running the script.
Needless to say, this is much easier than reinstalling, exporting the database, and importing it back in. No guarantees on how well it works, however.
Turning on autotrace
Hierarchical queries and getting around join problem with CONNECT BY
Getting [too long] messages?
If you get an error message starting with SQL: [too long], then you need to read this. Sometimes, for long error messages, your error messages are truncated, which makes tracking down the errors more difficult.
Efficient updates
You can do this
UPDATE (SELECT col1, value FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.key = t2.key AND t2.col2 = :other_value) SET col1 = value
Using lots of dynamic SQL (more than 32768 chars?)
You cannot use a clob, so use the dbms_sql package:
declare l_stmt dbms_sql.varchar2s; l_cursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor; l_rows number default 0; begin l_stmt(1) := 'insert'; l_stmt(2) := 'into foo'; l_stmt(3) := 'values'; l_stmt(4) := '( 1 )'; dbms_sql.parse( c => l_cursor, statement => l_stmt, lb => l_stmt.first, ub => l_stmt.last, lfflg => TRUE, language_flag => dbms_sql.native ); l_rows := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor); dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_cursor ); end; /
This is from Tom Kyte, Oracle God.
Online table updates
PL/SQL exception handling
- Exception handling in PL/SQL
SPfile and Pfile startups
$ sqlplus /nolog SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Feb 28 19:04:30 2006 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. 19:04:34 > connect / as sysdba Connected. 19:05:21 sys@vs> startup pfile=/u01/app/oracle/admin/vs/pfile/init.ora.192006104950 ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 285212672 bytes Fixed Size 1218992 bytes Variable Size 92276304 bytes Database Buffers 188743680 bytes Redo Buffers 2973696 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. 19:05:37 sys@vs> 19:05:37 sys@vs> 19:05:38 sys@vs> create spfile from pfile='/u01/app/oracle/admin/vs/pfile/init.ora.192006104950'; File created.
Troubleshooting Oracle Dates
Oracle has an internal representation for storing the data based on the number of seconds elapsed since some date. However, for the purposes of inputing dates into Oracle and getting them back out, Oracle needs to be told to use a specific date format. By default, it uses an Oracle-specific format which isn't copacetic. You want Oracle to use the ANSI-compliant date format which is of form 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
To fix this, you should include the following line in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initSID.ora or for the default case, $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initora8.ora
nls_date_format = "YYYY-MM-DD"
You test whether this solved the problem by firing up sqlplus and typing:
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
You should see back a date like 2000-06-02. If some of the date is chopped off, i.e. like 2000-06-0, everything is still fine. The problem here is that sqlplus is simply truncating the output. You can fix this by typing:
SQL> column sysdate format a15 SQL> select sysdate from dual;
If the date does not conform to this format, double-check that you included the necessary line in the init scripts. If it still isn't working, make sure that you have restarted the database since adding the line:
[joeuser ~]$ svrmgrl SVRMGR> connect internal Connected. SVRMGR> shutdown Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SVRMGR> startup ORACLE instance started.
If you're sure that you have restarted the database since adding the line, check your initialization scripts. Make sure that the following line is not included:
export nls_lang = american
Setting this environment variable will override the date setting. Either delete this line and login again or add the following entry to your login scripts after the nls_lang line:
export nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Log back in again. If adding the nls_date_format line doesn't help, you can ask for advice in our OpenACS forums.
Useful Procedures
Dropping a tablespace
Run sqlplus as the dba:
[oracle ~]$ sqlplus system/changeme
To drop a user and all of the tables and data owned by that user:
SQL> drop user oracle_user_name cascade;
To drop the tablespace: This will delete everything in the tablespace overriding any referential integrity constraints. Run this command only if you want to clean out your database entirely.
SQL> drop tablespace table_space_name including contents cascade constraints;
Creating an appropriate tuning and monitoring environment
The first task is to create an appropriate environment for finding out what is going on inside Oracle. Oracle provides Statspack, a package to monitor and save the state of the v$ performance views. These reports help finding severe problems by exposing summary data about the Oracle wait interface, executed queries. You'll find the installation instructions in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spdoc.txt. Follow the instructions carefully and take periodic snapshots, this way you'll be able to look at historical performance data.
Also turn on the timed_statistics in your init.ora file, so that Statspack reports (and all other Oracle reports) are timed, which makes them a lot more meaningful. The overhead of timing data is about 1% per Oracle Support information.
To be able to get a overview of how Oracle executes a particular query, install "autotrace". I usually follow the instructions for autotrace.
The Oracle Cost Based optimizer is a piece of software that tries to find the "optimal" execution plan for a given SQL statement. For that it estimates the costs of running a SQL query in a particular way (by default up to 80.000 permutations are being tested in a Oracle 8i). To get an adequate cost estimate, the CBO needs to have adequate statistics. For that Oracle supplies the dbms_stats package.
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- New Interface for Calling Database functions
- OpenACS Performance Tuning
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- Security: Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
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- SQL: How to log (slow) queries in the system log
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- listbuilder tutorial
- OpenACS 5.1.4 / PG 7.3.6 => 5.2.3/8.0.7 Upgrade Path for acs-core
- OpenACS mode for Emacs
- Vi as an OpenACS IDE
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- for everyone
- for everyone - Table of Contents
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- hstore
- Install a *nix-based operating system (OS)
- Install AOLserver
- Install AOLserver 4.5
- Installation - Req.
- Installing OpenACS
- Installing OpenACS on Arch Linux
- Installing OpenACS on debian
- Installing OpenACS on FreeBSD
- Installing OpenACS on FreeBSD (quick)
- Installing OpenACS on FreeBSD with ports
- Installing OpenACS on Mac OS X
- Installing OpenACS on Redhat
- Installing OpenACS on RPM-based systems
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- Installing OpenACS on Windows
- Install OpenACS distribution
- Install OpenACS on debian unstable / Ubuntu 7.10
- Install OpenACS on Linux
- Install OpenACS on Mac OS X 10.5 / 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Using Macports
- Install OpenACS - prereqs
- Install OpenACS with NaviServer from Scratch
- Install Oracle
- Install Postgresql
- Install Tcl
- Mail Transport Agents
- Monitoring Naviserver
- Nagios Monitoring
- NaviServer
- Next Steps After Installation, Debian Specific
- *nix operating system
- OpenACS compatibility matrix
- OpenACS Debian Install quicksheet
- OpenACS/dotLRN windows installer how to
- OpenACS/dotLRN Windows Installer Instructions
- OpenACS/.LRN for Debian
- OpenACS/.LRN for Ubuntu
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- OpenACS Performance Tuning
- OpenACS Reference Platform
- OpenACS subsystem
- OpenACS system
- Oracle
- Oracle Notes
- Postgres 8.1.x to 9.1
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL Administration
- PostgreSQL's Tsearch2
- Securing your system
- Source control
- Tcl
- Tcl Thread Library
- tDOM
- tDOM with OpenACS
- Testing with Selenium
- Testing with TCLWebtest
- Upgrade between PostgreSQL versions
- Upgrade from PostgreSQL 9.6 to 13.1
- Upgrade to OpenACS 5.10
- Upgrade to OpenACS 5.8
- Upgrade to OpenACS 5.9
- Vi as an OpenACS IDE
- ::xo::db Object Relational Database Interface
- XOTcl