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{legacy} Proposed project goals

This page remains for legacy discussion.

This is regarding Approach 1. in en:Documentation_Project_Discussion. The milestones are performance based, instead of directly connected to work, which makes them an impractical plan to follow.


Here are a few things we are working to accomplish with XoWiki and the OpenACS website:



MILESTONE I:  Tooling Up - Before We Can Accomplish Anything We Must Have a Powerfull Wiki.

- XoWiki is functional for the most part

- a few bugs and feature requests remain, Gustaf and Dave have rocked the OACS boat and created some amazing functionality in a short period of time.  When some of these items are cleared this Milestone will be considered accomplished.

MILESTONE II:  Testing Packages after each OACS release.


- XoWiki is functional, we can start testing immediately.  Look for a TESTING PROCESS document in the PACKAGES category (if it's not up now, soon).

MILESTONE III: Look and Feel vs. Content

- XoWiki is turning out to be very powerfull and easy to use.  We will need to focus on content first, look and feel can be handled later.  UTILITY has a greater priority over LICKABILITY.


MILESTONE IV: Fanatical Documenation.

- API documenation will stay as is.

- see en:Documentation_Project


- I think we can start attracting new devs as soon as our Documentation allows a new developer easy egress into the toolkit.  Watching Dave, Gustaf and others litterally create new functionality out of thin air over the last week of January 2K6 is clear indication the barrier to entry is not the toolkit, it is with the resources and tools they need to be able to understand and become developers. 

- I think getting a LICKABLE look and feel is something that can be done simultaneously, at a stage after XoWiki has been thoroughly debugged and tested.

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