Creating adp box tags for consistent html/css
Box tag code:
# The box tag is intended to make the markup around a "box" # standard sitewide so that you can use the same css everywhere to # style the site. template_tag box { chunk params } { set class [ns_set iget $params class] if {[template::util::is_nil class]} { set class box } set id [ns_set iget $params id] if {![template::util::is_nil id]} { set id " id=\\\"$id\\\"" } template::adp_append_code "append __adp_output \"<div class=\\\"$class\\\"$id><div class=\\\"boxTop\\\"></div><div class=\\\"boxContent\\\">\"" template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "append __adp_output {</div><div class=\"boxBottom\"></div></div>}" }