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Package Specification Summary for Package: dotlrn

Summary: A Course Management System
Description: Course Management
Maturity: Mature
This package depends on: acs-kernel acs-subsite acs-admin acs-mail-lite acs-lang attachments new-portal profile-provider user-profile
Packages that depend on dotlrn: attendance chat-portlet content-portlet courses dotlrn-admin dotlrn-ae dotlrn-application-track dotlrn-assessment dotlrn-attendance dotlrn-bboard dotlrn-beehive dotlrn-bm dotlrn-calendar dotlrn-cards dotlrn-catalog dotlrn-chat dotlrn-content dotlrn-curriculum dotlrn-datamanager dotlrn-dotlrn dotlrn-ecommerce dotlrn-edit-this-page dotlrn-eduwiki dotlrn-evaluation dotlrn-expense-tracking dotlrn-faq dotlrn-forums dotlrn-fs dotlrn-homework dotlrn-imsld dotlrn-jabber dotlrn-lamsint dotlrn-learning-content dotlrn-lorsm dotlrn-messages dotlrn-mmplayer dotlrn-news dotlrn-news-aggregator dotlrn-photo-album dotlrn-portlet dotlrn-quota dotlrn-recruiting dotlrn-research dotlrn-static dotlrn-survey dotlrn-syllabus dotlrn-tasks dotlrn-user-tracking dotlrn-weblogger dotlrn-wikipedia dotlrn-wps dotlrn-xowiki eduwiki eduwiki-portlet evaluation expenses ims-ent learning-content learning-content-portlet messages messages-portlet planner random-photo-portlet research-portlet static-portlet tasks-portlet theme-selva theme-zen xowiki-portlet
Package parameters:
path to the ImageMagick convert binary (default /usr/bin/convert, type string, scope instance)
The name of the default site template (default #new-portal.sloan_theme_name#, type string, scope instance)
Allow a user to join/leave communities or classes. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
URL to redirect to if user is not allowed to join/leave a community or class instead of displaying the 'Not Allowed' page. (default /dotlrn, type string, scope instance)
The layout of the admin page (default #new-portal.simple_2column_layout_name#, type string, scope instance)
The name of the admin page (default #dotlrn.admin_page_name#, type string, scope instance)
Automatic dotLRN user email patterns (default , type string, scope instance)
Class Group Type (default dotlrn_class, type string, scope instance)
cvs list of the page_name/layout to create (default #dotlrn.class_page_home_title#,#new-portal.simple_2column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.class_page_home_accesskey#;#dotlrn.class_page_calendar_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.class_page_calendar_accesskey#;#dotlrn.class_page_file_storage_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.class_page_file_storage_accesskey#, type string, scope instance)
the nice name for the class instance portal template (default #dotlrn.class_instance_portal_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
used to display everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.class_instances_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
used everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.class_instances_pretty_plural#, type string, scope instance)
used to display everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.classes_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
used everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.classes_pretty_plural#, type string, scope instance)
Class Group Type (default dotlrn_club, type string, scope instance)
same (default #dotlrn.club_page_home_title#,#new-portal.simple_2column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.club_page_home_accesskey#;#dotlrn.club_page_calendar_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.club_page_calendar_accesskey#;#dotlrn.club_page_file_storage_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.club_page_file_storage_accesskey#;#dotlrn.club_page_people_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.club_page_people_accesskey#, type string, scope instance)
used everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.clubs_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
used everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.clubs_pretty_plural#, type string, scope instance)
Whether this is a Class Instance Level instantiation of the package (default , type number, scope instance)
Whether this is a Class Level instance of the package (default , type number, scope instance)
dotLRN applets to add by default to each new community (default dotlrn_dotlrn,dotlrn_fs,dotlrn_forums,dotlrn_calendar,dotlrn_faq,dotlrn_news,dotlrn_static,dotlrn_bm,dotlrn_syllabus,dotlrn_homework_applet, type string, scope instance)
the applets to add when making a new club (default dotlrn_dotlrn,dotlrn_fs,dotlrn_forums,dotlrn_calendar,dotlrn_faq,dotlrn_news,dotlrn_static,dotlrn_bm, type string, scope instance)
The applets to add when making a new subgroup (default dotlrn_dotlrn,dotlrn_fs,dotlrn_forums,dotlrn_calendar,dotlrn_faq,dotlrn_news,dotlrn_static,dotlrn_bm, type string, scope instance)
a csv list of the applets to call when creating the user portal template (default dotlrn_dotlrn,dotlrn_calendar,dotlrn_forums,dotlrn_faq,dotlrn_fs,dotlrn_news, type string, scope instance)
used everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.departments_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
used everywhere in the ui (default #dotlrn.departments_pretty_plural#, type string, scope instance)
What is dotlrn administration displayed as? Some might want 'Site Wide Administration' and some might with 'dotLRN Administration' (default #dotlrn.dotlrn_admin_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
Whether this is the top-level instantiation of the DotLRN package (default , type number, scope instance)
The pretty name for the dotlrn main portlet (aka "My Groups") (default #dotlrn.dotlrn_main_portlet_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
The region of the user's workspace portal to put the dotlrn main portlet into. 1 is the leftmost. 2 is the next region to the left. etc. (default 2, type string, scope instance)
Class Group Type (default dotlrn_community, type string, scope instance)
Some systems may wish to keep the personal portal hidden. Setting this value to 1 will cause dotlrn to exclude navigation to the personal portal from community portals, and disable the entire navbar on non-community portal pages. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
The name of the not a member page (default #new-portal.simple_2column_layout_name#, type string, scope instance)
The name of the not a member page (default #dotlrn.non_member_page_name#, type string, scope instance)
Should we show and solicit user portraits? 1=Yes, 0=No (default 1, type number, scope instance)
default page names and layouts for subcomms (default #dotlrn.subcomm_page_home_title#,#new-portal.simple_2column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.subcomm_page_home_accesskey#;#dotlrn.subcomm_page_info_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.subcomm_page_info_accesskey#;#dotlrn.subcomm_page_calendar_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.subcomm_page_calendar_accesskey#;#dotlrn.subcomm_page_file_storage_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.subcomm_page_file_storage_accesskey#, type string, scope instance)
what subcomms are called (default #dotlrn.subcommunities_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
the plural (default #dotlrn.subcommunities_pretty_plural#, type string, scope instance)
a csv list of the other pages to create on the user wsp by default (default #dotlrn.user_portal_page_home_title#,#new-portal.simple_2column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.user_portal_page_home_accesskey#;#dotlrn.user_portal_page_calendar_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.user_portal_page_calendar_accesskey#;#dotlrn.user_portal_page_file_storage_title#,#new-portal.simple_1column_layout_name#,#dotlrn.user_portal_page_file_storage_accesskey#, type string, scope instance)
the pretty name for the user portal (default #dotlrn.user_portal_pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: AdminChangeSiteTemplate_p
desc (default 1, type number, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: CommDefaultSiteTemplate_p
This is the site_template_id used by default when creating a community. If you want to change this parameter go to Dotlrn Admin and Click in Site Templates; then Choose wich is the Site Template for default when creating users. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: DefaultMaster_p
Default master for public pages ( user_id = 0 ) (default /packages/dotlrn/www/dotlrn-master, type string, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: UserChangeSiteTemplate_p
Indicates if all users are able to change their Site Template. A value of 0 indicates that users cannot change it. A value of 1 indicates that users can. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: UserDefaultSiteTemplate_p
This is the site_template_id used by default when creating a user. If you want to change this parameter go to Dotlrn Admin and Click in Site Templates; then Choose wich is the Site Template for default when creating users. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: dotlrn_class_instance
Defines which subtype of dotlrn portal type is going to be used by default when creating a new Class Portal. (default dotlrn_class_instance, type string, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: dotlrn_club
Defines which subtype of dotlrn portal type is going to be used by default when creating a new Subgruop portal. (default dotlrn_club, type string, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: dotlrn_community
Defines which subtype of dotlrn portal type is going to be used by default when creating a new Community portal. (default dotlrn_community, type string, scope instance)
.LRN Portal Types: user
Defines which subtype of dotlrn portal type is going to be used by default when creating a new User portal. (default user, type number, scope instance)
Auto-Adding Users to .LRN: AutoAddAuthorities
A comma-separated list of short-names of authorities for which users should be automatically added to .LRN, or '*' for all. In order for users to be auto-added, AutoAddUsersP needs to be set to 1, and this needs to be set to * or include the relevant authority short_names. Example: 'local,ldap'. (default *, type string, scope instance)
Auto-Adding Users to .LRN: AutoAddUsersP
Automatically add OpenACS users to .LRN. 1 = yes, 0 = no. In order for users to be auto-added, this needs to be set to 1, and AutoAddAuthorities needs to be set to * or include the relevant authority short_names. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Auto-Adding Users to .LRN: AutoUserAccessLevel
The access level of auto-added users. 1 = Full access user, 0 = Limited access user (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Auto-Adding Users to .LRN: AutoUserReadPrivateDataP
Auto-added user's guest status. 1 = Not a guest , 0 = Guest. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Auto-Adding Users to .LRN: AutoUserType
The user type for auto-approved users. (default student, type string, scope instance)
Communities: DefaultCommunityJoinMailP
If there is no welcome mail for new members in the database, should a default one be send? (default 0, type string, scope instance)
Toolbar: dotlrn_toolbar_enabled_p
Enable or disable the dotlrn toolbar (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Toolbar: dotlrn_toolbar_show_info_p
Show relevant information to developpers. (default 0, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: dotlrn

Open Bugs: 51
All Tracked Issues: 141
Latest Bug Opened: 2017-08-21 Error on removal of dotLRN user
Latest Bug Fixed: 2017-04-09 dotlrn::do_abort returns with an "error" code.
Top Bug Submitters: Carl Robert Blesius (23) Caroline Meeks (14) Nima Mazloumi (11) Emmanuelle Raffenne (6) Anja Wicht (6)
Top Bug Fixers: Peter Marklund (22) Lars Pind (15) Don Baccus (10) Emmanuelle Raffenne (9) Tracy Adams (7) Jeff Davis (5) Joel Aufrecht (3)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: dotlrn

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (dotlrn/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

See proposal for comprehensive email event handling

For details about dotlrn, see

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