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Photo album

Package Specification Summary for Package: photo-album

Summary: Organization, editing and display of user uploaded photos.
Description: A photo album application that provides photo display and grouping functionality using the ACS Content Repository. <p> Allows users to upload photos, store and edit attributes, and group photos into albums and folders. Supports permissioning, exif data, and user clipboards. <p> Requires installation of ImageMagick and jhead on host machine. See design doc for details.
Documentation: Package Documentation
Maturity: Immature
This package depends on: acs-content-repository acs-kernel acs-templating
Packages that depend on photo-album: ajax-photoalbum-ui dotlrn-photo-album photo-album-portlet
Package parameters:
CSV of acceptable MIME Types for Photo Upload (default image/jpeg,image/gif, type string, scope instance)
If set to t, users are presented a link to display the full sized base image from photo page. (default t, type string, scope instance)
If set to t, the index.vuh file in the images directory runs a query to check if user has read access to photo prior to serving it. Note, setting to t can impact performance on high volume sites. (default f, type string, scope instance)
Flag to convert BMP to JPG automatically (default 1, type number, scope instance)
List of grantee privilege pairs for new root folders. Grantee is either an integer or function that returns a party_id. Format as a space separated listlist (default the_public read registered_users pa_create_album registered_users pa_create_folder, type string, scope instance)
Absolute path from computer root to path for temporary photos. (default /tmp/photo-album, type string, scope instance)
Absolute path from computer root to directory containing ImageMagick executables (default /usr/bin, type string, scope instance)
CSV of privileges to grant to creators of new objects within photo album (default admin, type string, scope instance)
Set to t if you want to allow users to send selected photos to, a for-profit photo-printing service. (default f, type string, scope instance)
Max Dimension for thumbnail image (default 150x150, type number, scope instance)
Number of thumbnail images to be displayed per album page (default 12, type number, scope instance)
Max Dimension for viewer image (default 700x500, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: photo-album

Open Bugs: 22
All Tracked Issues: 55
Latest Bug Opened: 2009-06-07 Photo Album 5.2.3 in new install of .lrn while uploading files produces permission error
Latest Bug Fixed: 2006-01-25 Photo Album uses Redhat(?) dependent Imagemagick file locations.
Top Bug Submitters: Staffan Hansson (13) Vinod Kurup (5) Ben Koot (5) Richard Hamilton (3) Jade Rubick (2)
Top Bug Fixers: Jose Pablo Escobedo Del Cid (7) Gerardo Morales (5) Enrique Catalan (4) Lars Pind (3) Jarkko Laine (3) Dave Bauer (3) Tilmann Singer (2)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: photo-album

# Tcl Procs 54
# Tcl Lines 1613
# Tcl Blank Lines 234
# Tcl Comment Lines 101
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 11 ORA: 22
# SQL Lines PG: 878 (blank 127 comments 127) ORA: 987 (blank 137 comments 143)
# ADP pages 26
# ADP lines 625
# Include pages (photo-album/lib/) 1
# Documentation pages 9 (Package Documentation)
# Documentation lines 2650
Browse Source API-browser
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June 12, 2006 - Solution Grove is working on an AJAX UI for viewing photo albums for a client. We hope to contribute it back when we get time. If you need an advanced copy or want to volunteer to do integrate, test it, and contribute it to CVS please contact Caroline and Hamilton at Its very attractive and cool. If you want a nice looking photo album definitely get in contact with us. 

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