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How to manage/upgrade CKEditor versions

As of this writing (oacs-5-10), OpenACS supports CKEditor 4, which is kept as a separate package.

Per default, the CKEditor is used via CDN. If you prefer to install CKEditor locally, then go to /acs-admin/, click on the "Richtext CKeditor4" package on the link under site-wide admin. The pages show, how CKEditor is currently used, and offer a link for downloading and installing (gzipped, brotli if available).

Since upgrading to a newer version of CKEditor means often a different user experience.So, many site are reluctant to upgrade automatically to different versions. In these cases, one can configure the version of CKEditor in the NaviServer configuration file.

    ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/richtext-ckeditor
           ns_param CKEditorVersion   4.14.1
           ns_param CKEditorPackage   standard
           ns_param CKFinderURL       /acs-content-repository/ckfinder
           ns_param StandardPlugins   uploadimage

A version specified in the configuration file override version numbers in the richtext package. When there is no such entry, then the version from the package is used.


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