The backslash thing seems to be fixed, so I'll go back to the
initial theme: the pending handles 😟
Since I'm still getting server log errors of the type Error:
could not allocate 1 handle from pool "whatever", I'm testing
this wrapper via nscp:
1>db_with_3x_wrapper {set member_p [ad_user_group_member $db 1 14]}
2>return $set_member_p
3>b_with_3x_wrapper {set member_p [ad_user_group_member $db 1 1]}
could not allocate 1 handle from pool "whatever"
The same happens with this other example I yesterday thought was
working well
db_with_3x_wrapper { set is_admin_p [ad_administrator_p $db 1]}
So the previous handle has somehow not been released!! I think
the problem is something I mentioned yesterday: the output of
ad_user_group_member (for this particular case) is a
return, so the wrapper is left before the ns_db
releasehandle $db is reached.
Am I right?
Is there any way to fix it?
Shouldn't the db_release_unused_handles line in
db_with_3x_wrapper release this handle before trying to get
a new one?