Forum OpenACS Development: place for user documentation

Posted by Rafael Calvo on

calendar and wp-slim have some new user documenation. I wonder if we
can standarize the place to put it. Mi idea is in $package/www/help
and in a index.adp file that uses the templating system. This way when
you install a package *users* will have some help in the same format
as the rest of the site.
/doc is not good for users, it is confusing to start looking on how to
"add an appointment" on explanation of the data model...

What do people think?

Posted by Neophytos Demetriou on
I will second that -- www/help for user documentation.
Posted by Roger Williams on
Why would it not but put in www/doc? That directory already exists and it pointed to when doc is accessed, althoughit is only programming docs (e.g. Requirements, Design), so far.


Posted by David Walker on
I definitely want to keep user docs and programer docs separate.
/help seems good to me
Posted by Rafael Calvo on

My point is that users should be *saved* from having to even look at developer documentation. If I am going to make a non profit site for women's breast cancer, I don't want these people to look at an ER diagram, I am sure they would leave and go to see the show 😊

For now, until we stablish some standard across OACS I will putting user FAQs in /help (for calendar and Wimpy point)

Posted by Roger Williams on
This sounds OK to me. On the project I am on, we are writing documentation for most of the modules we will use. And we intend to put links in the user screens to point to these pages. I will let you guys know what we do once we have some docs to show.
