Forum OpenACS Development: Forum policy/priv bug 3153

Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on

I was checking the pending bugs for the upcoming releases, more especially bug 3153:

I remember that Gustaf committed a fix for forums but I'm not sure if it was related to that.


When the forum has "posting policy" set to "closed", the forum is listed in the forum portlet but not in the forums index page.

Bug 3153 still exists, i.e. user with no admin priv can post a reply, and can also post a new thread going directly to ".../forums/message-post?forum_id=...".

Since forums has also a "users can create new thread?" param, I wonder which one of "policy" and "can create thread" take precedence (perms are the same in both cases).

Anyhow, this is very confusing and we should fix it. So what should be the correct behavior? Removing the "can create thread" param and consider only the policy? I guess the best thing to do would be to use permissions, but no time for that now I'm afraid.


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
This has been fixed and committed on HEAD.