In making my first steps w/ the CMS I'm running into a file permission
I've created a folder "subfolder1", and it contains a file
"myFirstPage". When I try to publish this file (checking "live" &
hitting "submit" in the "publishing" tab), I get the following error:
can't create directory "/subfolder1": permission denied
while executing
"file mkdir [string range $path 0 [expr $index - 1]]"
(procedure "mkdirs" line 11)
invoked from within
I inserted
puts $errorlog "pageroot used for mkdir: [ns_info pageroot]"
into the publish::mkdirs function in publish-procs.tcl to make sure
the correct directory is being accessed, and it is: /web/openacs/www
The pageroot directory is owned by nsadmin.web; I start nsd w/
exec /opt/nsadmin/bin/nsd -u nsadmin -g web $*
and nsadmin belongs to group web.
The problem persists even if I chmod the pageroot to 777!
Can anybody think of what else I could check?