We are facing the situation that the Oracle Version of OpenACS get's out of sync and it does this fairly easily because the current practise seems to be only to commit the PostgreSQL upgrade scripts, not the ones for Oracle.
If this continues we should most likely drop Oracle support unless we certify a release to work with Oracle (and organisations interested in using Oracle need to dig and find out which files from PostgreSQL are missing).
My *preference* though would be to encourage all developers to just copy the postgresql files to the Oracle directory. This will *visibly* break the upgrade for Oracle on upgrade, making it easier for developers to find what is missing.
Last time I proposed this there was adamant disagreement from Dirk, but sadly no better solution has arisen since. And if you look at the CVS commits, there are a couple of commits that do not include an equivalent Oracle file, letting Oracle based versions upgrade smoothly and then choke you to death when trying to use the application. And this sucks, because you *assume* the upgrade worked (no error on upgrade). And if you are not doing very close testing on your staging site before applying the upgrade on Production, you run into big troubles.
Therefore I ask for feedback from the developer community how to fix this. And no, Encouraging everyone to commit Oracle scripts will not work. Most developers do not have access to Oracle even if they care, and even more might not care at all.
Hard as this sounds, we should make it as easy as possible for developers of institutions using .LRN on Oracle to go and fix the scripts, as experience shows that they are the ones who have to do the work anyway.
Oh, and to be fair, if something has been developed on Oracle, you might just as well copy that script over to postgresql and have it break there. My guess is it will be fixed within 24 hours :).