This is useful dialogue. Let me say that my intention was not to criticize OpenACS. On the contrary, I believe that OpenACS is better governed than .LRN and continues to make great strides in terms of governance and transparency. Having said that, the .LRN consortium is finally getting its act together. But also recognize that organizing a "user community" comprised of academics has its challenges.
I believe that Jeff's formulation is the best way of looking at this: "Maybe if by brutal you mean that there is tremendous opportunity for growth in open source which some projects will miss out on because they don't make the right collective decisions about how to manage themselves then maybe I would agree."
That's what I would like to focus the discussion on. How should we manage ourselves so that we fully take advantage of the opportunities for growth? The "we" is OpenACS and .LRN. There is potential for great synergy between OpenACS and .LRN. Let's havea a no holds barred and dialogue on what we need to do shore up the relationship so that we have a powerful and unbeatable partnership as we move forward.