Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: feedreader

9: Re: feedreader (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Guan: can I ask a favor of you? Would you mind writing out exactly what the problem is in a bug-tracker bug? That way, if anyone wants to fix it, they can.

Also, if you could tag the code from HEAD with openacs-5-1-compat, then at least people will be downloading the right version, even if it is currently broken.

10: Re: Re: feedreader (response to 9)
Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on

I am using news-aggregator from oacs-5-1 and i dont see any problem on this code at least with postgresql. The only bug i found i put into bug-tracker here

This bug is exactly the same as reported here by Esti Alvarez. The patch was applied and commited to cvs into openacs-5-1 and oacs-5-1 so i think news-aggregator in this tags will work well.

As i could see news-aggregator from HEAD seems a very modified version of the previous 5-1 branch. Maybe Guan coud talk about improvements in this new version. I appreciate very much news-aggregator and will love help on its future development.