I have just completed a custom installation of new-file-storage. My advice is to remove calls to general permissions within large queries. These get slow very fast as the number of files, groups and users increase.
I rewrote the pages (one-folder.tcl was the worst offender) with specific checks based on my clients business model. Thus the code is quite custom and not sutible to be rolled back in, but if anyone else is doing a new-file-storage implementation and wants to take a look, email me and I'll send you a tarball.
Other minor additions to new-file-storage that someone might want:
Different graphics for jpg and pdf files (the only types of files my clients uses)
JPG are sent to a separate download page for a nice layout.
"Print this page" from the jpg-download page redirects to a page custom formated for printing.
"Download" zips the jpg then downloads it.
Again, nothing general enough to roll back in but nice ideas if you are doing a custom implementation.