Thanks Antonio,
I am not sure what that really means... the reply to nslookup.
Still I have modified the setting in nsd.tcl file from port 8000 to
port 80.
On my browser on my local machine everything works well... I am
waiting to find out from a friend when he gets the time to check
both and
I am a bit in the dark of how all this naming and ip-ing works...
but I start to understand some of it.
I found a site that - you can put your
domain on their name servers, which I've listed in my DNS look-up
records... I shall know in a few days how all this works (while my
current provider also updates their records...that I moved from
their name servers...)
Anyway at least I can now play quite well with the modules on my
local machine and start learning stuff.
Thanks Antonio for your help