ive been here for 2 weeks. i will stay.
---the good---
i am really in awe of this effort. i knew of greenspun's work a while
back through his book and other rantings but this port/extension
effect is excellent. you all deserve a major round of applause and more...
---the bad---
i am not exactly an opensource newbie and i can compile and install
mostly anything in a week. openacs4.x though has defeated me. perhaps
this is because i installed 3.2.4 first and then had to fight to the
death. although i was sure that i spotted a migration path somewhere
in the docs/forums i never found it again. i gave up and went back to
my original config...
here are a few tips that i believe will may make this openacs effort
succeed. I will help where i can, including funding. just let me know
1. the forum search on openacs.org sucks. there is no returned "date"
field. i really don't care what a problem 'was' in Feb 2000....even i
got this working on my installation. i really have wasted a lot of
time on old posts....
2. the forums need to be re-categorized into 3.x and 4.x. and
presumably 5.x
3. you need to migrate to http://openacs.museatech.net/ ASAP. Your
website is worse than boring.
4. 4.x needs RPMS and DEB's or apt-get or redcarpet or all of the
above right now!! i suggest that you all *stop* development and make a
small effort at 'distribution'. check the postings and do the math.
its all 'installing and configuring'. i suggest that all developers
spend the next 7 days and get a distro team together. i will get the
redcarpet install done for ximian.
5. this effort will ultimately fail unless a user can:
a) ./configure
b) ./make
c) ./make install (or better still use RPM DEB or redcarpet)
d) logon to http://whatever/ (port 80 by default)
e) have his/her logo and style sheet or a selection of 20 styles up
and running in less than 5 minutes flat.
---the ugly---
point e) is the 'killer' for any user. this should never be
underestimated for any web service or application. forget what
greenspun says - they will always say " but it looks like shite!"
to finish i will say that i will be using openacs because most of what
i am doing is non-profit stuff. i am leaning tcl faster than anything
ive ever picked up. aolserver/adp/ + openacs/tcl is astonishingly
good. with oracle dumped in favour of postgresql, this is very
now perhaps all my points are solved in 4.x ??
shame i cant install the @%^$#~
kind regards