Forum OpenACS Q&A: Kernel Parameter: PerformanceModeP and PermissionCache

Hi all,

one question. Has someone experience with the two kernel parameters:
- PerformanceModeP
- PermissionCache

I wonder if they are already used on a productive site, if they will improve performance and if it will break anything?

Can someone kindly share her/his experience?


PerformanceModeP should be enabled for production sites, it will speed request processing. The effect isn't huge, but it is worth doing. Do not do this for sites in which you're actively mounting and dismounting packages, unless you're willing to do a server restart after doing so.

PermissionCache is a bad idea used to speed .LRN. I think Sloan may be using it (they wrote it), but I recommend against it unless you really really really need it. It was added back when the permissions system was really slow, now that it's been speeded up the impact of permission caching is not so great. If PermissionCache is set, changes to an individual's permissions or their privilege in regard to an object may not be seen until the cache flushes (defaults to five minutes, I think). Parts of .LRN will flush the cache when permissions change, but underlying OpenACS code for the most part is unaware of the caching ... which was never meant to be a permanent solution.

We had a case today where 800 - 1000 students tried to register for a course. The peak was around 250-260 concurrent users and the server got so slow that would had to wait for 1-3 minutes for each link to render. So we are lookinf for solutions to improve performance.

here the ideas:
- seperate database from aolserver?
- load-balancing by using several aolservers and one database?
- tune postgres (but we I have no idea which settings have to be taken)
- set some parameters in oacs kernel?
- ???


You need more data, specifically, there could be a few queries that are slow tying up the database, or your system just does not have enough RAM to handle the number of simultaneous database handles that are in use.

We have 2GB Ram and it is a dual processor engine, storage is plenty available as well
In some respects, you are asking the wrong question. The first question to ask is, what is the resource that is being used most heavily? Is it disk I/O, CPU usage, network bandwidth, or RAM/virtual memory? My guess is disk I/O or RAM.

Once you know what the bottleneck is, then you can figure out how to solve it.

Use iostat, sar, and vmstat to figure out what is going on. I have found sar to be useful, but you have to turn it on first and it is more of a "what happened" rather than "what is currently happening" tool.

You are right. The problem is that this event has passed and the server load is ok at present. so I guess the only way is to simulate somehow 50, 100, 150, 200 ... concurrent requests and see what the server is doing, right?

any idea how I can simulate these things?

I don't know what your logfile look like, but you could try to look for thread IDs and try to discover some more information.

Try cross-referencing the access.log files with the info in your error.log or server.log files - since they are timestamped, you may be able to see cases where a request took a long time to serve; and you could then look for clues in that part of the logfile.

That may or may not be worth your time, however.

Nima, turn on developer support including looking at the DB and post the total time, the number of DB queries and the time needed for the execution of the DB queries.

If you have lots of DB queries and can't memoize them, go for a seperate webserver (something you might want to do anyway, the current one should be more than fine for the database, if you have a fast RAID configuration). How large is your database anyway, could you run it completely out of RAM (if you have the whole server for postgres, allow PG to grab more RAM).

If the total time is large but your DB query numbers are low, then you should get a faster processor or a second & third webserver as this hints that AOLserver is really busy.

Sadly you will always have to provide Hardware assuming the "worst" case, but it has not to be dedicated. What you could do is have a second server that runs a non critical system provide the AOLserver. And yes, I'm usually a person that is highly in favour of splitting up database and webserver.

Hi Nima,

you should log the queries in your postgresql instance. Then you can analyze the longest running/slowest queries. You can use the "Postgres Query Analyzer" to do that. get it here:

In the postgresql.conf file you have to activate:
# - What to Log -
log_duration = true
log_pid = true
log_statement = true
log_timestamp = true

I would also propose:
# - Query/Index Statistics Collector -
stats_start_collector = true
stats_command_string = true

Then you can interactively see the current running queries with "select * from pg_stat_activity ;"

In addition you should monitor aolserver thread usage with the telemetry page from the "nstelemetry" package (from Maybe you have to few aolserver threads available (ns_section "ns/server/${server}" MaxThreads). With the telemetry page you can also find out how may page-request are currently in the wait queue of the aolserver.

In the proc "db_with_handle" add some code to find out how long you have to wait for available db-handles:

set pool [db_nth_pool_name -dbn $dbn $db_state(n_handles_used)]
set start_time [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set errno [catch {
    set timer [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    set db [ns_db gethandle $pool]
    set duration [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $timer]
    if { $duration > 100 } {
      ns_log Notice "Got db-handle from $pool after $duration MS"
} error]

Maybe you have to few db-handles available and therefor threads are hanging around waiting without doing anything. Keep in mind that you have to increase the available db-connections when you rise the number of aolserver threads.

Install some system statistic collector. I propose HotSanic, it generates nice html-stats you can link into your web-site. (get it here: You can use it to find bottlenecks and monitor resource usage.

Last but not least i could provide you with a simple benchmarking application that starts aolserver threads and issues db-queries. requests are not coming from the outside of the server (via http) but from within, but it works quite nice to stress the server. It is written in xotcl and you would have to modify it for your needs, but the framework of starting threads, monitoring transactions, running custom transactions and the like should provide you with a start.

hope that helps, peter

Hi Peter,

I am very interested i that benchmark application. Can you kindly send me a copy?
