Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Status of Wiki Package?

Posted by Frank Bergmann on

yes, worked out like you said, cr_folders is the way to go.

However, I've got an issue with the "Recent Changes" page. I would like to avoid showing several (intermediate) cr_revisions ans instead say something like: "Look, here is the lastes approved version of the content. And here is the most recent one". However, there is no status field available for cr_revisions or an additional "latest_approved" version at cr_items.

Not sure what I should do.
- Maybe sacrifice usability and go for ease of implementation (just show the latest version and a link to the CMS item editing screen)?
- Maybe add a column to cr_items (ugly, ugly...)?
- Use an extension table to add the status information to cr_items?
- ... any idea?

I've found one bug in the Wiki package so far. I'll send you the stuff once I'm ready, ok?
