Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Re: Personal Learning

5: Re: Re: Personal Learning (response to 2)
Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on
Hi Nick,

This is wonderful news!! We hope we will be starting soon an experimental project involving students from primary schools aiming encourage them to share knowledge at the same time they develop skills on portuguese language (native language) on their writings. In this process they will be helped by their peers (another students located in other states) and sometimes teachers (with little intervenience as possible).

We are planning mediating the students interactions using dotLRN with fewer applications as possible almost blogger, RSS, trackback, forums, wp, private forums and maybe news-aggregator (colecting feeds from selected educational portals).

I explore recently some features exposed by Jeff Davis i Cop packages and return some modified files to bug-tracker (they were applied by Jeff i saw) and they are great but I really think dotFolio could be very appropriate to the kind of approach and the public the project targets.

We could join your efforts on testing dotFolio features and the appropriateness for this audiences? We are expecting launch the project this semester if everything works well on "political" side. I saw you are planning release the dotFolio beta version this month. Is this beta available now or will be sooner?
