Hi all,
I have a problem with installing OpenACS-4 with win2k. I use cygwin
with postgres 7.1.3, binary version of aol33ad13 and OpenACS-4
If I install the datamodel i get following error message from
[28/Jan/2002:15:24:21][1988.1720][-conn0-] Notice: dbinit: sql
( '
select count(*) from pg_class
where relname = lower('acs_objects') and
relname !~ '^pg_' and relkind = 'r'
[28/Jan/2002:15:25:53][1988.1720][-conn0-] Error: Error
sourcing /openacs-4/packages/acs-bootstrap-i
psql:postgresql.sql:283: ERROR: copy: line 160, CopyReadAttribute:
end of record marker corrupted
psql:postgresql.sql:283: PQendcopy: resetting connection
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:156: ERROR: Function 'tree_next_key
(varchar)' does not exist
Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given
argument types
You may need to add explicit typecasts
psql:acs-relationships-create.sql:299: ERROR: Function 'tree_next_key
(varchar)' does not exist
Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given
argument types
You may need to add explicit typecasts
I started postgres with debug level 4 and get following message:
DEBUG: query: copy tree_encodings from stdin using delimiters '/' ;
DEBUG: parse tree: { QUERY :command 5 :utility ? :resultRelation
0 :into <> :isPortal false :isBi
nary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false :hasSubLinks false :rtable
<> :jointree <> :rowMarks () :tar
getList <> :groupClause <> :havingQual <> :distinctClause
<> :sortClause <> :limitOffset <> :limitCo
unt <> :setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG: ProcessUtility: copy tree_encodings from stdin using
delimiters '/' ;
ERROR: copy: line 160, CopyReadAttribute: end of record marker
DEBUG: AbortCurrentTransaction
FATAL 1: Socket command type
DEBUG: proc_exit(0)
DEBUG: shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG: exit(0)
I extracted the statement "copy tree_encodings from stdin using
delimiters '/' ; ..." in a separated file and executed it with the
same result.
Is my postgres installation wrong or what happens? Postgres don't
recgonize the end marker.
p.s. excuse my bad english!