Forum OpenACS Q&A: Project/Open V3.0.0.0 Released

Posted by Frank Bergmann on

the P/O team is proud to announce the release of V3.0.0.0 both as a Windows installer and as tgzed bundle of APMs:
This version marks the end of an 18 month effort to port the old "ACS Intranet" to OpenACS and PostgreSQL.

New features in V3.0.0.0 include:
- Many bug fixes
- "Profit & Loss" calculation for projects. Please read the "P/O Finance User Guide" (=> part of the documentation ZIP in the download zone).
- Green/Yellow/Red status of projects
- An integration with the OpenACS "Wiki" module (links to Wiki pages from project, companies, users, ...)
- An "Automatic Software Update Service" (ASUS), similar to "Windows Update Service" or "Novell/SuSE YOU" (YaST Online Updates): The package downloads a manually created XML file from a P/O server. The XML files is rendered as a HTML table and allows the user to execute contained CVS commands. So it's up to the maintainer of the XML files to "recommend" updates to users. However, the service is really only for users who don't know how to use CVS and who don't read (or don't have the time to read) the discussion forums.

The ASUS and the support for database upgrades allows companies to use P/O as an "out of the box" solution. They don't even need a Windows/Linux administrator to run the product productively.

The V3.0.0.0 P/O Windows installer also includes OpenACS 5.1.5 as an installation option and an older version of dotLrn.
