Forum OpenACS Q&A: Bugtraq: verisign payment site backdoor ?

Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 19:43:53 -0500 
From: Andrej Todosic 
To: "''" 
Subject: verisign payment site backdoor ?


so i had today a little adventure with verisign about paying some
When you go on their secure site and enter payment information, they
require a security check
The security check consists of entering a billing address postal code.
Without this the payment wouldnt work.
After verifying several times witht hem on the phoen ( their system
accept a canadian postal code).
They told me just to put 5 zeros. The payment went through. I also
seem to
vaguely remember a mention of it somewhere in the payment confirmation
screen. My question is:

they gave it to me, so they know very well it exists, but what
security do
they have if they have a backdoor like this, 
and what is the point of extra precautions when you publicly tell
to use zeros if nothing else works. 

I dont know if this should be made into a big thing, but i certainly
feel comfortable with these guys having my CC number.

Comments or opinions are welcome. 


Posted by David Walker on
That depends on how important you consider address verification.
Some banks, (Wells Fargo for one) store your account address and your visa
address in different places so that you could change your address and still
have the old address in your visa information (probably other types of cards
as well but my experience is with visa).  Therefore you will fail address

Some online stores don't use address verification at all.  Many
order-by-phone places do not.  And almost no stores that you visit in person
care about the address.

So while verisign may not be doing it "right", how dangerous it is is largely a
matter of perception.

Posted by Jade Rubick on
A followup posting:
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 09:08:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Nojan Moshiri 
To: Andrej Todosic 
Cc: "''" 
Subject: Re: verisign payment site backdoor ?

Is this a function of Verisign or a function of Address Verification
(AVS) on the credit card side.  Credit Card companies use the digits
of your stress address and your zip to validate billing.  This may
be true for US citizens only based on verisign's CC verification

If would be good to try five zeros with a US based credit card. If AVS
is being properly used it should no go through.