Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to OpenACS using Oracle

Posted by Don Baccus on
Bboard works in 4x but aD rewrote it so it's not the bboard you're familiar with.  In some ways it is more featureful, in some ways it isn't not as good an implementation.

OpenForce is improving it as part of their contract to provide dotLRN to Sloan/MIT (and OpenACS 4 replacement for their current ACS 3-based SloanSpace website that provides web services for their faculty and students).  I expect it to be considerably improved when they're done with it in a few weeks.

Also Gilbert Wong of the community has written an alternative bboard system for OpenACS 4, which he plans to release to the community soon.

One of the nice features of the OpenACS 4 platform is that it is easy to provide a variety of independent choices, so as time goes by I expect more examples of this kind of choice.

As far as beta goes, yes, I'm actually working on it, really, I am!  I expect to roll it on Sunday though I have to do my taxes this weekend and that could turn out to be a real time sink ...