While trying several packages from the beta yesterday i noticed
that the glossary package does not work for me. It breaks on the
page "glossary-add-edit.tcl" on line 112 at template::form create
new_glossary. I tried to find out why it breaks and noticed that
there is no namespace ::template::form available.
In fact
[namespace children ::template] returns only
- ::template::widget
- ::template::util
- ::templat
- ::template::mtimes
- ::template::code
So the namespaces form, query, paginator and wizard (and maybe
others) are missing.
Unfortunately i could not find out where
these namespaces get lost. The very last thing in the bootstrap
process seems to be /tcl/zz-postload.tcl -> the namespaces are still
there. After the bootstrap process every request first hits the
rp_handler proc ?! There the namespaces are gone.
Could any of my
code somehow remove these namespaces ? Has anyone else noticed such
behaviour ?
Many TIA !