Forum OpenACS Q&A: Problem with template::form

Posted by Peter Alberer on

While trying several packages from the beta yesterday i noticed that the glossary package does not work for me. It breaks on the page "glossary-add-edit.tcl" on line 112 at template::form create new_glossary. I tried to find out why it breaks and noticed that there is no namespace ::template::form available.
In fact [namespace children ::template] returns only

  • ::template::widget
  • ::template::util
  • ::templat e::data
  • ::template::mtimes
  • ::template::code
So the namespaces form, query, paginator and wizard (and maybe others) are missing.

Unfortunately i could not find out where these namespaces get lost. The very last thing in the bootstrap process seems to be /tcl/zz-postload.tcl -> the namespaces are still there. After the bootstrap process every request first hits the rp_handler proc ?! There the namespaces are gone.

Could any of my code somehow remove these namespaces ? Has anyone else noticed such behaviour ?

Many TIA !

Posted by Peter Alberer on

I could get to work the form part of templating system by carefully reloading the files in the "right" order:

After the server start accessing the glossary add-page fails. But when i reload 0-procs.tcl and in a second step form-procs and element-procs everything is ok. (till the next reload of 0-procs.tcl that produces the same error as after startup)

The log file tells me that 0-procs.tcl IS sourced first in the startup procedure.

This is quite bad ! I am rather puzzled :)

Posted by Don Baccus on
I'm planning to spend much of tomorrow working on outstanding OpenACS 4.5 issues so I'll try to reproduce this ...
Posted by Peter Alberer on
Ok, the problem is definitely on my side. For some reason we had to modify /aolserver/modules/tcl/namespace.tcl ... This caused the problem. I forgot about that. Sorry for the false alarm.