Forum OpenACS Q&A: How to set reply url in bboard e-mail notification?

This text is an excerpt from a notification sent by my Openacs 4.5 test server:
>To reply you can go to:
>To unsubscribe from this or other bboard posts go to:

How do you change the domainname of the url shown above?
SystemURL in Parameters for ACS Kernel is set to
Doesn't the bboard module use the SystemURL parameter to compose notifications messages?

Nope, it uses:
[ad_conn location][ad_conn package_url]subscriptions

[ad_conn location] finds information about the current HTTP connection and does not look at the SystemURL parameter. You should setup AOLserver to handle instead of http://delix:8000.


That is very strange, so this notice can only be sent out using a connection thread, which doesn't seem that good. It would be nice if a procedure handled this and it knew what the system url was for a particular message.

[ad_conn location] should not be used. Use instead [ad_url]:

[ad_url][ad_conn package_url]subscriptions

and you get instead of http://foobar:8000 in your email alerts.

My answer is related to ACS4 (not OACS 4.5) I have never used OACS 4.5.
host name link change in bboard look in /usr/local/aolserver
vi sample-config.tcl
inside the .tcl you can change the
ns_param Hostname
to the specific one you want
BTW, this code is part of the bboard_alert_message proc residing in bboard-procs.tcl
Tom - the e-mail alert is built when you post the message, so it is known that you're in a connection thread.

The code that actually posts the message doesn't need to run in a connection thread.

Your basic premise - that this is some pretty stupid code - is, however, correct.  Just not for the reason you have in mind. :)