Great. i will check-in xotcl-core into HEAD. Ideally,
we should not let somebody install the package via apm,
when xotcl binary is not installed; however,
once the xotcl binary is required this no problem.
It seems, that the
requirements for binaries are only checked in:
is this correct?
i will also check in the two patches from
regarding documentation:
installation docs: is it sufficient to more-or-less
transfer the instructions from the README file above to
of the HEAD revision and commit? who produces the html-files?
user documentation:
where should this go? development tutorial? development
reference? What about the following content:
- tutorial: pointing to
- functionality in xotcl-core:
* documentation of the xotcl-specifics for the
api-browser (ad_insproc, ad_proc, and ad_doc)
* using non-positional arguments
* sample using xotcl objects instead of name-spaces
(the simple note example)
* pointing to class descriptions of the api-browser
where appropriate.
Is more needed? other suggestions?
i'll be on vacation from Sat until 14 days later, most
probably without internet access. So most of this will
happen after that.