I need to create a simple page inside my OpenACS installation with a form to get information from the user.
The form I've created works correctly.
In the "example.tcl" page...:
ad_page_contract {
This page allows the users to add new items to their to do list or edit existing items.
} {
ad_form -name form -export { user_id } -form {
{from:text {label "From"} }
{to:text {label "To"}}
{subject:text {label "Subject"}}
{body:text {label "Body"}}
} -on_submit {
ns_sendmail to from subject body
I have configured the MailHost parameter with the smtp server I have.
The error I get is the following:
Expected a 250 status line; got:
504 5.5.2 <to>: Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualified address
while executing
"_ns_sendmail $smtp $smtpport $timeout $tolist $bcclist $from $subject $body $extraheaders"
(procedure "ns_sendmail" line 47)
invoked from within
"ns_sendmail to from subject body"
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel #$level $on_submit"
("1" arm line 620)
invoked from within