Emma, Rocael, Al Essa, Joel, Malte, Nima
Our approach to .LRN releases this summer is: first, take advantage of all of the bug fixes and new features added to .LRN 2.1 since the 2.1.1 release. This is the .LRN 2.1.3 release. Second, get a new release out including new theme work, the latest work on LORS, assessment, and other new packages. This second release will depend on OpenACS 5.2, and will be called .LRN 2.2.0.
- 2.1.3rc1 release. This is done; Rocael and Emma will both test it and test upgrading to it. Unless critical problems are reported, this will become 2.1.3 without further changes. There are no more .LRN 2.1.x releases planned unless more critical problems are found after 2.1.3 is officially released.
- 2.2 release
- Meeting time. We could not determine a better meeting time, although some people are not able to attend the current meeting at 2100 UTC Tuesdays. I will try hosting two different meetings next week, one at 2100 UTC Tuesday and one at 0200 UTC Wednesday.