Forum OpenACS Development: Re: How do you monitor for AOLServer and postgres security patches

Just found the email. In March I reported the bug, which was on HEAD, to the nsoracle maintainer. Pasted in below for reference. Hopefully it's fixed now.

On Mar 30 04:46:11PM, Andrew Grumet wrote:

> Hi,
> We recently tried out the HEAD version of nsoracle and saw an odd error
> nsoracle.c:1352:OracleSelect: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-01461: can
> bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
> The error itself is familiar one -- you get it when trying to insert a long
> string into a varchar column. But in this case we were in fact inserting
> into a CLOB column. Reverting to the v2_7 driver eliminated the error, so I
> believe there may be a bug with CLOB handling in the latest nsoracle.c. Has
> anyone else seen this?