Forum OpenACS Q&A: Is anyone using events?

Posted by Reuven Lerner on
A potential client just told me that she really likes the idea of
handling event registration (and reminders, and tracking) via the Web,
and that this is a potential selling point for OpenACS.  And then she
asked if she could see an example of how OpenACS handles events, so
that she could demonstrate it to her organization's board of directors.

I just looked through a bunch of ACS and OpenACS sites, and can't find
anyone who is using the events module.  (That's not completely true;
there are some sites using the events module, but no events are listed.)

So, can anyone provide me with a URL suitable for a demo?

Posted by Ben Koot on
Reuven, I am about to launch a community initiative in Michigan mmTa for a new client. It will include the events module. Apart for usage as a purley events management tool, I will be modifying it to create a travel reservation system, in combination with chat & tickettracker and project management reason why you havn't seen many organisations using these kind of solutions untill,today is becaused there has not been an integrated payment module, that compliments the management functionality> I guess once Bart and Janine are finished with the authorizenet and Verisign gateways, things will drastically change.
Posted by Andrei Popov on
When you say project management -- you are not referring to ticket-tracker, are you?  I've been trying to port project-tracker to OACS, but was completely disappointed with a few first glimpses I had, gotta agree with statements made elsewhere -- it is a vaporware...  OTOH, if you have a working project management tool -- can I have a look at that?
Posted by Don Baccus on
Lars Pind is working on a new "bug-tracker" package that looks like it has a lot of potential.  Musea is sponsoring the development and using a preliminary version in-house.

Project management tools would be great ...

Posted by Ben Koot on
Right now I am "playing around" with ticket tracker, based on the tasks I need to accomplish. I agree Ticket Tracker is far from perfect, but... it performs a number of basics functions that help me find out what else I need. I already discovered some of these functions are "hidden" in other ACS modules. I hope to have a specification sheet ready by next week.

It will be a kind of mock up of my "ideal" solution for a number of specific problems I am facing in the travel industry.

Posted by Michael Feldstein on
The company I currently work with is looking very hard at
integrating Lars' bug-tracker into dotLRN to create a collaborative
project workspace. Just substitute "project" for "class" and "team
members" for students, and you get the idea. If we do this (which
is likely but not imminent, given the current state of dotLRN
development), we will definitely share the code with the
Posted by Don Baccus on
Ben ... you should really ping Lars about his bug-tracker work.  I think it will provide a much more sound base for future work than the ticket-tracker