G'day fellas,
As some of you know already, LAMS has released its LAMS Community. This online community is for all teachers, administrators and developers that use LAMS.
Within the various subcommunities, LAMS practitioners have access to the latest news about LAMS, many different discussion forums, and a repository of shared LAMS sequences.
This community runs .LRN 2.1 and uses most of the existing default tools from the toolkit with little level of customization. We have developed a Learning Sequence repository, which allows teachers to share their learning design with others (public or within a community), rate them, add comments, etc, etc. (Thank God for CoP and Jeff Davis 😉. I thought you guys would be interested to see how it works as it is not being particulary used for e-learning but more for sharing e-learning experiences, learning designs and course planning outlines. I guess is more for research than e-learning as such, which could potentially be a new usage for .LRN?
Some of you have asked when LAMS and .LRN will be integrated. We are currently working on that and I hope to have this going by the end of November.
Further news on the integration will be posted here and on the LAMS Foundation integration page