I have been trying to install nsopnessl for a while with no luck.
Here is what I have done and my config. file.
I downloaded nsopenssl 1.1c (I don't need the extra features of 2.1)
and compiled it pointing to my OPENSSL=/usr/include. No problems
Now, I change my config. file as follows:
# Socket driver module (HTTPS) -- nsssl
# nsssl does not load unless sslkeyfile/sslcertfile exist (above).
#ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nsssl
ns_section ns/server/${server}/modules/nsopenssl
ns_param port $httpsport
ns_param hostname $hostname
ns_param address $address
ns_param keyfile $sslkeyfile
ns_param certfile $sslcertfile
ns_param Protocol SSLv2
ns_param Protocol SSLv3
ns_param Protocol TLSv1
ns_param CipherSuite
ns_param SessionCache true
ns_param SessionCacheSize 512
ns_param SessionCacheTimeout 300
ns_param ClientVerify true
ns_param CADir ca
ns_param CAFile ca.pem
ns_param Trace false
ns_param SeedBytes 1024
ns_param RandomFile /usr/include
I keep the port set to httpsport 8443 and none of the servers start.
If I comment out nsopenssl.so, then my http server starts. The
certificates I am using are the ones that come with nsopenssl.
What's going on? Any ideas?