Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: de-activating xowiki weblog for book-view

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
hmm. ::xowiki::Portlet is gone since a while (at least two years). What version are you using? if you have a newer version and not modified weblog for this package instance, you can delete the weblog page from the content repository and it will be recreated on the next weblog request from a more recent version.

In general, weblog is used for listing of pages belonging to tags or categories. If you do not want weblog at all at your site (openacs instance), delete the in the prototype pages. if you have some package instances wanting weblog and some not, currently the best way is to subclass xowiki, and provide for the subclass a smaller/different set of protoype pages (see e.g. the s5 package for such an example).

Posted by Torben Brosten on
The site is using cvs head from about 7 Sept 2009. Xowiki version 0.118 (from

Where is the most recent version?

I tried deleting the weblog page, but then it was recreated on next request with same error.

Thank you, Gustaf.

