Hi all!
Please help me with this one:
(Debian Testing, kernel 2.4.17, PG 7.1.3, AOLserver 3.3.1+ad13,
latest virtual Jerry's.., OpenACS 4.5B)
One of my three virtual servers suddenly died on me without
apparent reason.
I'm using daemontools to manage the servers but now the *bad*
server can no longer be started with "svc -u
/service/nsd-infogettable-dev/". However, I can start it by
typing "./bin/nsd-postgres -ft infogettable-dev.tcl" but then it
takes around 90 seconds to start it, compared to the 10 seconds
it used to take.
Oddly enough, it cannot be started in the background (which is
what svc does, I think), only in the foreground. Oddlier still,
if I direct stdout to a file (for debugging purposes)
"./bin/nsd-postgres -ft infogettable-dev.tcl 2> STARTUP_LOG" it
takes the, normal, 10 seconds to start!
Whichever way I choose to start the server, I get a "Segmentation
fault" (server dies) when a non-existing page is requested. I
never saw this before...
Notice: Error from etp::get_pa was:
Query did not return any rows.
Notice: index.vuh: request for kfgkfdkfjdfsl
Notice: Edit This Page index.vuh: serving
Warning: APM: cache_max_age does not exist
Segmentation fault
Sometimes I get this too:
pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client
(This started to happen while, or after, the system was in the
process of indexing (for search) large amounts of large static
pages, which are now perfectly searchable, BTW.)
Any help is as always much appreciated,