The dotLRN forum's coming soon, I need to ping a couple of folks to make sure we had consensus about naming and scope. I've been out of town for four days. The issue - if it is worth calling it an issue - is making it clear that our forum here will be for OpenACS/dotLRN technical and integration issues. "marketing" stuff - which will be broadly defined to include things like future direction of dotLRN proper (not OpenACS) - will be at MIT's dotLRN site.
As far as internationalization goes ... acs-lang works quite well if you're willing to accept the burden of building a catalogue of messages rather than have text embedded directly in Adp templates. There's an interface for translators, and untranslated messages show up as links when pages are viewed by tranlators. This makes it relatively easy to coordinate and manage the translation effort. It also separates out HTML, there's no risk of some cut-and-paste monkey messing up your HTML as there would be if there were a separate template for each page in each language. And site-wide changes only require changing one template.
It's fast as the translated messages are cached. In our case, Lars Pind came up with a slick idea of using '#message_id#' as a shorthand within template pages for substituting the proper language version. This works because of language state information I'm maintaining in an enhanced ad_conn structure.
Anyway ... if there's enough interest a new forum might be reasonable, or perhaps just a set of threads under the 4 design forum (it's OpenACS 4 I'm interested in, and a proper solution will not be localized so the whole community needs to buy in and have the chance to participate).