Tec-InFor is a department of the UNED (Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia) which is working in the development of an
e-learning platform since October 1999. People who worked there
were students from the computer science school and one of their
teachers. We installed the 3.2.2
version of ACS, translated it to spanish, and made
some changes in the interface. This spanish version is being
used since then, you can see it at
. Its purpose is the management of students communities but not
directly distance learning.
In June 2000, more students joined the Tec-InFor group and on
May 2001 we started a new project based on the 3.4E version
(ACES). The work done with ACES has been, once again, translation to
spanish, interface customization and adaptation of the groups
structure to the Spanish educative system. There is a production
server (experimental) at:
We plan to use this version next course, September
2002, to give online support for what we call "open courses"
(postdegree courses, teaching staff formation...).
The improvements we want to incorporate are the
- XML capabilities
Content management: we should port the CMS package for
it. Maybe some work has been done yet.
Extend the categories system to provide
searches by conceptual maps.
Our work can be downloaded from
, under the name "aLF2".
Searching in the Openacs forums we understand ACES is going to
be merged with Openacs 4.X, and ported to postgres... is that
right? is it done yet? -Our english isn't as good as we thought