Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to <b>Final Acceptance Testing OACS RC-1</b>

Posted by Paul Doerwald on
Where do I go to report bugs and fixes to OACS4?  It appears to me that the Bugs page isn't maintained (because there are some *old* bugs kickingn around).  The patches page may be watched, but even so, there are still some old issues that don't appear to have been cleared away.

Should I email fixes to someone?  Post them in the bboard?

In fact, just now I have a fix for a bug in ad_page_contract_filter -type post time24, and it's obscure enough that it may not be found for some time, and I've spent several hours diagnosing and correcting this bug.  I'd love to be able to contribute this code back, but I just really don't know where to do it where someone will actually pay attention to it...