Forum OpenACS Q&A: ns_returnredirect includes entire hostname !?

I want to allow users to access my server as or just or even with the IP when the dns is being updated. So, I turn ForceHostP off and life is good. Except I notice that ns_returnredirect is redirecting to the cannonical hostname as defined to nssock. Thus, "ns_returnredirect /index.tcl" yields
GET /redirect.tcl HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Investigating, Ns_ConnReturnRedirect in nsd/return.c does this for any location beginning with "/":
        if (*url == '/') {
            Ns_DStringAppend(&ds, Ns_ConnLocation(conn));
Why should this be so? My reading of the http 1.0 spec indicates that simply leaving "Location: /index.tcl" would be perfectly correct. Is there any reason I shouldn't remove this code?
Posted by C. R. Oldham on
Are you running 4.5?  I think there is a bug in late versions of IE that causes problems with redirects.  Are you sure the problem is with ns_returnredirect and not ad_returnredirect?  I patched ad_returnredirect to get around IE brokeness.  See
Posted by Tom Jackson on

I wrote a different version of ns_returnredirect that might be useful in your situation. You would have to adapt it. The link is

CR, as you can see from the telnet excerpt the problem is with nsd, not with my browser.  (I tested with nn 6 to be sure.)

Tom, I will try something like what you are doing, but I'll have to write it to get values from ns_conn rather than Template.

Posted by Tom Jackson on

Right, that is how I get it into the Template global, check the code for that above:

set Template(host)   [string tolower [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] host]]