Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Bboard for OpenACS non-techies?

Posted by xx xx on
Okay, I understand.
I am or at least was a non-techie myself, when I started to dig into HTML etcetera 2 years ago. Now I'm (trying to be) an admin.

However, being an admin, you run into package-developers questions and core-developers questions where I have no experience (attributes and columns).

My level would be 'Admin' at 'OpenACS 4.5' 'from scratch' 'under construction'. Being a registered user doesn't mean you have to be a core-hacker anymore.
Maybe, we can have a poll/spam to find out what levels of community members we have and in what way they are using OpenACS. So we can speak with other community members at our own level. Especially since it seems a new website is underway.