Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Robot detection - source for "Web Robots Database" vanished

Probably we are talking about two different oacs revs and rdbms' as I run oacs 4.5 on Oracle and only pointing to a different file would not help.

here what I found:

  • the new robot list has many nulls in robot_useragent line what is causing insert statement in ad_replicate_web_robots_db to fail as robots.robot_useragent field in oracle is set to NOTNULL.
  • string length for that line is longer for some robot entries then 100 char what is max set for that field in robots.robotuseragent and it causes as well ad_replicate_web_robots_db to fail:
    ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column SQL:insert into robots(robot_id, robot_name,robot_details_url, robot_useragent) values (:robot_id, :robot_name, :robot_details_url, :robot_useragent)
  • I have fixed this problem by changing the code in ad_replicate_web_robots_db
     if {[exists_and_not_null robot_id] && [exists_and_not_null 
    robot_useragent]} {
                        db_dml insert_new_robot {
                            insert into robots(robot_id, robot_name, 
    robot_details_url, robot_userage
                            (:robot_id, :robot_name, :robot_details_url, 


      if {[exists_and_not_null robot_id] && [exists_and_not_null robot_name]} {
                        db_dml insert_new_robot {
                            insert into robots(robot_id, robot_name, robot_details_url, robot_useragent)
                            (:robot_id, :robot_name, SUBSTR(:robot_details_url, 0, 199), NVL(SUBSTR(:robot_useragent, 0, 99), :robot_name))
  • after done this data loaded nicely into table but after restart of the aolserver the other part of same proc kicked in and faild on:
    Notice: Running scheduled proc ad_update_robot_list... [11/Jul/2002:18:32:30][24381.2051][-sched-] Warning: APM: RefreshIntervalDays does not exist [11/Jul/2002:18:32:30][24381.2051][-sched-] Error: ora8.c:3930:ora_tcl_command: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00904: invalid column name SQL: select trunc(sysdate - max(nvl !>>>!modified_date, insertion_date))) from robots
  • there is no "modified_date" field in oracle robots table. I changed then:robot-detection-procs-oracle.xql
     set days_old [db_string days_since_last_update {
                    select trunc(sysdate - max(nvl(modified_date, insertion_date))) from robots} ]


      set days_old [db_string days_since_last_update {
                    select trunc(sysdate - max(insertion_date)) from robots} ]
                    if {$days_old >= $refresh_interval} {
  • Onem more thing: Can somebody in few sentences explain what these xql files are, how they work,and do I have to have them?
    Or can I just have .tcl files doing same stuff?
    I have played with selects and insert statements in .tcl files and then I realized that I'm in wrong place and my changes have no efect.