Few days makes the installation of LRN Version 2.1.3 in a server Linux RedHat 7.3. Apparently all the packages of the system work correctly but the file upload package does not work. It always generates the following error:
"Message contains a variable named 'file_name' which doesn't exist in the caller's environment: message Nombre de %%action_type: %file_name%
while executing
"error "Message contains a variable named '$variable_name' which doesn't exist in the caller's environment: message $localized_message""
(procedure "lang::message::format" line 46)
invoked from within
"lang::message::format $message $substitution_list [expr $upvar_level + 1]"
(procedure "lang::message::lookup" line 65)
invoked from within
"lang::message::lookup "" $key "TRANSLATION MISSING" $substitution_list 2"
(procedure "_" line 2)
invoked from within
"_ file-storage.lt_Name_of_the_action_ty"
(procedure "fs::do_notifications" line 53)
invoked from within
"fs::do_notifications -folder_id $parent_id -filename $title -item_id $revision_id -action "new_file" -package_id $package_id"
invoked from within ......"
Somebody has idea that this bad one? That corrections are due to do? Version 2.1.3 really is stable?