Forum OpenACS Development: Ad_form or new page

Posted by kousalya S on
Hi all,

I am new to project-open. I need to know how to add/design new form or page.

Tell me the procedure stepwise.

Please help me out

2: Re: Ad_form or new page (response to 1)
Posted by Jim Lynch on
First thing you need to do, is get familiar with openacs templating system, start by going here:

The demo linked from that page has some form stuff on it that you also need to be familiar with.

All this, is step zero.

3: Re: Ad_form or new page (response to 1)
Posted by kousalya S on
Thanks Jim:)

Please Guide me with further steps.

4: Re: Ad_form or new page (response to 3)
Posted by Jim Lynch on
create a new package (which will be empty), find where it is located, look at the dir structure.

All templated pages in openacs have at minimum two files, something.tcl (code establishing data sources go here) and something.adp (html and data source rendering go here).

Create one page that creates one constant string variable, render that variable on the page, try with and without master template. An example of this is in the templating system demo.

FOR DETAILS, see templating system docs and templating system demo.

5: Re: Ad_form or new page (response to 1)
Posted by Jim Lynch on

Background material. Read thru first two links.