I am having problems with the lorsm applet in .LRN 2.2.0 alpha.
On the Class Home page under Learning Materials, the class course link doesn't work. I've tried importing the SCORM course into lors-central and associating. I've also tried directly importing a SCORM course into lorsm. Same result. The link is bad - it gives a "file not found" page.
The html source for the link is:
<a href="{/dotlrn/classes/$mathematics/$mathematics.algebra1/algebra1/lorsm/}delivery-scorm/?man%5fid=4204" title="Access Course">Algebra 1</a>
Daveb was looking at the source and he said:
daveb: aha
(10:12:33) daveb: look at this
(10:12:33) daveb: <a href="${lors_central_url}one-course?item_id=@d_courses.item_id@">[_ lors-central.add_mat]</a>
(10:12:48) daveb: it has ${} in the display_template property of the list
(10:12:59) daveb: and tcl code
(10:13:01) daveb: just as you see