Okay, so I'm guilty of having tried to generalize a bit too much on
Reuven's request. I think the newbie issue is interesting - and
difficult. Let's think about it some more.
However, there is a clear need to discuss issues that are
somewhat technical but not related to Tcl/SQL hacking. Things
like graphic/UI design and use of the templating system. Things
like the general possibility of integrating OpenACS into external
authentication schemes (just came up with that example).
On the categorization vs. forum thing. It seems like we have to
strike a balance. Certainly, 5-6 forums seems like a good
number. 1 seems too small because the volume would become
unbearable for casual observers. more than 10 seems out of
line and would kill cross-pollination. Thus, for something as
important as what Reuven brings up, a new forum is probably a
good idea.
Can we agree that a new forum for these tech-savvy but non-
OACS developers is necessary and useful?