Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Weblog - News aggregator - RSS integration in OACS 5.2

Orzenil, thank you for the tip. I tried that - but only now looked at the error log. It gives this (I copy a snippet looking relevant to me):

[11/Dec/2005:21:18:11][597.134724608][-conn:oacstest::4] Warning: nsopenssl (oacstest): SSL read interrupted: unexpected eof
[11/Dec/2005:21:27:12][597.136372224][-sched:18-] Notice: Updating news aggregator sources
[11/Dec/2005:21:27:12][597.136372224][-sched:18-] Error: invalid command name "ds_comment"
invalid command name "ds_comment"
while executing
"ds_comment "test""
(procedure "news_aggregator::source::update_all" line 5)
invoked from within
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval [concat [list $proc] $args]"
(procedure "ad_run_scheduled_proc" line 42)
invoked from within
"ad_run_scheduled_proc {t f 900 news_aggregator::source::update_all {} 1134329232 0 f}"
[11/Dec/2005:21:40:58][597.134723584][-conn:oacstest::2] Notice: encoding: loaded: iso8859-1
[11/Dec/2005:21:41:01][597.134724096][-conn:oacstest::3] Warning: nsopenssl (oacstest): SSL read interrupted: unexpected eof
[11/Dec/2005:21:41:02][597.134724608][-conn:oacstest::4] Warning: nsopenssl (oacstest): SSL read interrupted: unexpected eof

I am seriously out of my depth here. Hope anyone is not.

Hi Aernout,

please could you download news-aggregator from cvs now (or just file news-aggregator/tcl/source-procs.tcl) . i fixed the error relating to message

invalid command name "ds_comment"

could you try it again (of course, dont forget to reload package from apm or just restart you service)? And please continue posting bugs and comments to bugtracker so we could mantain it up to date ( i saw you posted this as bug #2713, right?)

